

⏰ 15分(待ち時間 30分) 💲 100円




てことでLet’s cooking🍳🔪🎽

きゅうり 1本
一味 大さじ2杯
ご飯 半合
ごま 適量

醤油 大さじ1杯
みりん 大さじ1杯
めんつゆ 大さじ1杯
おろしにんにく 小さじ1/2杯
ごま油 小さじ1杯
ほんだし ひとつまみ

1. 調味料と一味をまぜ、火にかける
2. 3割ほど煮詰める
3. きゅうりを輪切りにする
4. きゅうりとタレをまぜ、30分冷蔵庫で待つ
5. ご飯の上にきゅうり、つけたタレ、ゴマをトッピングし完成

[Posting recipes every day] * There is an English translation
Red kappa bowl
⏰ 15 minutes (waiting time 30 minutes) 💲 100 yen

Hellow, this is Capibara03. This time, the gang is the main character of spicy rice 🎵 It’s perfect when you want to wake up or sweat.

Let’s cooking 🍳🔪🎽

★ Material ★
1 cucumber
2 tablespoons Ichimi
Rice 100g
Appropriate amount of sesame

🍴 Seasoning 🍴
1 tablespoon of soy sauce
1 tablespoon mirin
1 tablespoon of mentsuyu
1/2 teaspoon of grated garlic
1 teaspoon of sesame oil
Hon-Dashi pinch

★ Procedure ★
1. Mix seasoning and gang and heat
2. Boil about 30%
3. Cut the cucumber into slices
4. Mix the cucumber and sauce and wait in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.
5. Complete with cucumber, sauce and sesame topping on rice
