毎日レシピ投稿中】※There is an English translation in below
てことでLet’s cooking
ニラ 3本分
白菜 1/4個
レンコン 100g
ひき肉 100g
おろしにんにく 小さじ1/2杯
おろし生姜 小さじ1/2杯
塩 ひとつまみ
味の素 ひとつまみ
片栗粉 10g
1. ニラを細かく、白菜をみじんぎりにカット
2. レンコン以外の食材をまぜる
3. レンコンを12等分する
4. 片栗粉をまぶし、その上に空気を抜いた肉種をおいてレンコンで挟む
5. 多めの油で焼き上げにする
[Posting recipes every day] * There is an English translation
Grilled lotus root scissors with plenty of vegetables
15 minutes
300 yen
Hellow, this is Capibara03. This time, I sandwiched the dumplings with lotus root. Since it is based on Chinese cabbage, it has a sweet taste.
Let’s cooking
★ Materials ★
3 leeks
Chinese cabbage 1/4
Lotus root 100g
Minced meat 100g
1/2 teaspoon grated garlic
1/2 teaspoon grated ginger
A pinch of salt
A pinch of Ajinomoto
Potato starch 10g
★ Procedure ★
1. Finely chop the Chinese chive and finely chop the Chinese cabbage
2. Mix ingredients other than lotus root
3. Divide the lotus root into 12 equal parts
4. Sprinkle with potato starch, place the deflated meat seeds on it, and sandwich it with lotus root.
5. Bake with a lot of oil