
【きのこと厚揚げの麺つゆバター炒め】不健康サラリーマンの健康レシピ #shorts

⏰ 10分 💲200円





てことでLet’s cooking🍳🔪🎽

厚揚げ 1枚
しめじ 1袋
バター 10g
ごま油 大さじ1/2杯
塩 少々
めんつゆ 小さじ1杯
青ねぎ 少々

1 厚揚げを一口大にカットする
2 お湯をかけ、油抜きをする
3 しめじの石突きをカットし、バラバラにする
4 バターをしき、しめじ、厚揚げの順に炒める
5 ごま油、塩、麺つゆをいれ、さらに炒める
6 盛り付けで青ねぎをかける

[Posting recipes every day]
Stir-fried mushrooms and fried tofu noodle soup with butter
⏰ 10 minutes 💲 200 yen

Oh, this is Capibara03.

Atsuage was the light of the wind in the refrigerator, so I simply fried it with noodle soup and butter.
To be honest, I’ve mixed various seasonings so far, but if you’re in trouble, it’s pretty good to add noodle soup.

Let’s cooking 🍳🔪🎽

★ Materials ★
Atsuage 1 piece
1 bag of shimeji mushrooms
Butter 10g
1/2 tablespoon of sesame oil
A little salt
1 teaspoon of mentsuyu
A little green onion

★ How to make ★
1 Cut thick fried tofu into bite-sized pieces
2 Pour hot water and drain the oil.
3 Cut the shimeji mushrooms and break them apart.
4 Fry butter, shimeji mushrooms, and fried tofu in that order.
5 Add sesame oil, salt and noodle soup and fry.
6 Serve with green onions

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