酢飯嫌いが海鮮丼を作った結果… #shorts

難易度★☆☆ ⏰ 15分 💲300円





てことでLet’s cooking🍳🔪🎽

塩 小さじ2杯
真鯛 1冊
青ねぎ 少々
刻み海苔 少々

ゴマだれ 大さじ2杯
醤油 小さじ1杯
酢 小さじ1/2杯
白ごま 適量

1 水適量に塩を入れ混ぜる
2 真鯛の柵を入れ、軽く洗い、水気をとる
3 刺身サイズにカットする
4 調味料をまぜ、真鯛を絡める
5 ご飯の上に真鯛、青ねぎ、刻み海苔を乗せる


[Posting recipes every day]
Red sea bream sesame vinegar bowl
Difficulty ★ ☆☆ ⏰ 15 minutes 💲 300 yen

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★ Instagram

Oh, this is Capybara 03.

This time, I had a surplus of red sea bream at home, so I made a seafood bowl with sesame seeds.
By the way, I’m not good at vinegar rice, so I put vinegar in sesame seeds to make it a seafood bowl.

Let’s cooking 🍳🔪🎽

★ Materials ★
2 teaspoons of salt
1 red sea bream
A little green onion
A little chopped seaweed

🍯 Seasoning 🍯
2 tablespoons of sesame seeds
1 teaspoon of soy sauce
1/2 teaspoon of vinegar
Appropriate amount of white sesame

★ How to make ★
1 Add salt to an appropriate amount of water and mix.
2 Put the red sea bream fence, wash it lightly, and drain it.
3 Cut to sashimi size
4 Mix seasonings and entangle red sea bream
5 Place red sea bream, green onions, and chopped seaweed on top of the rice.

One point 👌
Adding vinegar makes the slight sourness addictive 🔪

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