Bite-sized sushi made with canola flowers and bamboo shoots, which are spring vegetables, and Japanese ginger (myoga) and Japanese basil (shiso), which are summer vegetables. You will feel a refreshing breeze in your mouth every time you eat. Seafood sushi is good, but vegetable sushi also makes you feel happy!
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Yield: 2 servings
## Ingredients
– 2 Japanese ginger (myoga), cut in half, soaked in A for 3 hours
– A: 40 ml vinegar
– A: 1.5 tbsp beet sugar
– A: 1 pinch salt
– A: 50 ml kelp soup stock
– 10 grams canola flowers
– 3 grams sliced bamboo shoots
– 4 Japanese basil (shiso)
– 2 crunchy pickled plums (kari kari ume), chopped
– 200 grams cooked rice
– B: 1.5 tbsp vinegar
– B: 1 tbsp beet sugar
– B: 1 pinch salt
### Preparation of Japanese ginger
1. Cut in half vertically.
2. Soak in boiling water for about 10 seconds, take them out, and dry them with a paper towel. (To make the color of Japanese ginger bright and easy to pickle)
3. Put the ingredient A in a pan and heat it. Turn off the heat before boiling and let it cool.
4. When it cools, add Japanese ginger and soak for 3 hours to complete the preparation.
#### How to make kelp soup stock
Put 10 grams of dried kelp in 500 ml of water and leave it for 1 hour. That’s it!
This recipe uses only 50 ml of kelp soup stock, so please use the rest for other dishes. If you store it in the fridge, you can use it for 2-3 days.
## Directions
1. Boil canola flowers for 30-40 seconds and cut into 5 cm lengths.
2. Bake sliced bamboo shoots in the oven for about 2 minutes.
3. Make sushi vinegar. Put the ingredient B in a pan and heat it to lightly remove the acidity and mellow the taste. Then let it cool.
4. Mix the sushi vinegar with rice and fan it with a paper fan to remove the water.
5. Make 6 sushi rice with a mold and put canola flowers, bamboo shoots and Japanese ginger on them. Mix the remaining rice with crunchy pickled plums, make 4 sushi rice, and wrap them with Japanese basil.
## Tips
* Note that if you overcook bamboo shoots, they will lose their juiciness.
## 材料
– みょうが:2個、半分に切る、(A)に3時間漬ける
– (A) 酢:40ml
– (A) てんさい糖:大さじ1.5
– (A) 塩:ひとつまみ
– (A) 昆布だし:50ml
– 菜の花:10g
– たけのこ:3g、薄切り
– 大葉:4枚
– カリカリ梅:2個、みじん切り
– ごはん:200g
– (B) 酢:大さじ1.5
– (B) てんさい糖:大さじ1
– (B) 塩:ひとつまみ
### ミョウガの仕込み
1. 縦半分に切る。
2. 沸騰したお湯に10秒ほど浸けて取り出し、ペーパータオルで水気を取る。(ミョウガの色を鮮やかに、また漬かりやすくするため)
3. 鍋に材料(A)を入れて火にかけ、沸騰する前に火を止めて冷ましておく。
4. 冷めたらミョウガを入れ、3時間漬ければ仕込み完了。
#### 昆布だしの作り方
## 作り方
1. 菜の花を沸騰したお湯で30〜40秒茹で、5cmくらいの長さに切ります。
2. タケノコをオーブンで2分ほど焼きます。
3. すし酢を作ります。鍋に材料(B)を入れて火にかけ、酸味を軽く飛ばして味をまろやかにします。その後冷ましておきます。
4. すし酢をごはんに混ぜ、うちわで扇ぎながら水分を飛ばします。
5. 押し型でシャリを6個作り、その上に菜の花、たけのこ、みょうがを乗せます。残りのごはんにカリ梅を混ぜ、型でシャリを4個作って大葉で巻きます。
## ポイント
* タケノコは焼きすぎるとジューシーさがなくなるので、注意してください。