
簡単!旨い!野菜豚丼レシピ2021|Vegetable Pork Bowl Recipe 2021

簡単!旨い!野菜豚丼レシピ2021|Vegetable Pork Bowl Recipe 2021
和食レシピ↓Japanese Food Recipes

【ASMR】まぐろとアボカド丼|Tuna and avocado rice bow 2021

Japanese dish in which pork and vegetables are cooked and seasoned with miso. A miso soup with many ingredients and pork.

2.ふろふき大根|furofuki daikon
Japanese dish consisting of large slices of daikon radish, boiled, stewed or steamed, and topped with miso paste.

3.照り焼きチキンマヨ丼| Teriyaki Chicken Mayo don
(照り焼きとは、醤油を基本にした甘みのあるタレを食材に塗りながら焼く調理法) タレの糖分により食材の表面がツヤを帯び、照りが出るのが名前の由来。 日本では魚、または肉の調理に使われる技法である。
Teriyaki is a cooking method in which food is grilled while being coated with a sweet sauce based on soy sauce. The name comes from the fact that the sugar in the sauce makes the surface of the food shiny and “teriyaki”. In Japan, this technique is used for cooking fish and meat.

☆.鮭の南蛮漬け|syake no nanbanzuke
Deep-fried fish tossed in sweet vinegar with scallions and chili peppers.(salmon marinated)

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