
濃厚レアチーズケーキの作り方/No bake cheese cake ~Owl’s teatime~

こんにちはOwl’s teatimeのみさきです。趣味でスイーツを作っています。   

Hello, this is Misaki from Owl ’s tea time.
I make sweets as a hobby.
Today I made a rare cheesecake that is perfect for hot days.
You can make a rich and smooth rare cheesecake just by mixing and hardening, so please try it.

~材料~ 15㎝底取れ丸型

 ビスケット 100g
 無塩バター 50g

 クリームチーズ 200g
 グラニュー糖 60g
 レモン果汁 15g
 プレーンヨーグルト 90g
 生クリーム 200g
 粉ゼラチン 5g
 水 25g

~Ingredient~ 15 cm round

(Biscuit dough)
  100g Biscuits    
  50g Unsalted butter

(Cheese dough)
 200g Cream cheese    
  60g Granulated sugar   
 15g Lemon juice     
 90g Plain yogurt     
200g Fresh cream    
5g Powdered gelatin   
25g Water  

② ①のビスケット生地を紙を敷いた型に敷きつめます。

③ 常温においてやわらかくしたクリームチーズを混ぜ砂糖、レモン果汁、ヨーグルトの順に加えその都度混ぜあわせます


④ 別のボウルで生クリームを氷水にあてながらゆるめに泡立てます

⑤ ③のチーズ生地に泡立てた生クリームを加えてよく混ぜます

⑥ ふやかしたゼラチンを電子レンジで20秒程加熱して溶かします

⑦ 加熱したゼラチンに⑤のチーズ生地を少し混ぜ合わせます

⑧ ⑤のチーズ生地にゼラチンを加えてよく混ぜます

⑨ 生地を型に流して冷蔵庫でー晩冷やし固めます

⑩ あたためたタオル等を型の側面にあててケーキを型から外し出来あがりです

How to make
① Put the biscuit in a thick bag and crush it into small pieces.
Transfer to a bowl, add melted butter and let it blend into the whole.

② Spread the biscuit dough from ① in a paper-lined mold.
Refrigerate for 2 hours to harden.

③ Mix cream cheese softened at room temperature, add sugar, lemon juice, and yogurt in that order, and mix each time.

~ Put gelatin in water and let it soak ~

④ In a separate bowl, gently whisk the cream in ice water.

⑤ Add whipped cream to the cheese dough of ③ and mix well.

⑥ Heat the soft gelatin in the microwave for about 20 seconds to melt it.

⑦ Mix the cheese dough from ⑤ with the heated gelatin.

⑧ Add gelatin to the cheese dough of ⑤ and mix well.

⑨ Pour the dough into a mold and cool it in the refrigerator at night to harden it.

⑩ Put a warm towel on the side of the mold and remove the cake from the mold.
