▶︎簡単おいしいヘルシー ひじきふりかけ♡ by あいもん料理部
▶︎ お肉と玉ねぎの味噌炒め♡ お弁当にも◎ by あいもん料理部
▶︎ how to cook Hijiki with Fried tofu and carrots
▶︎braise pork chops with onions and garlic
Just stir-fry pork and onions without oil and season with soy sauce, pinch of sugar(or mirin) , and five spice(Taiwanese spice)
When I’m cooking, I can forget about myself and concentrate deeply on cooking, so I feel that cooking is more like meditation. In fact, I feel very relaxed and also can sleep well
At night when I take a relaxing bath after cooking a lot for my husband. I clean the kitchen carefully after frying the pork. (Because animal fat is difficult to remove over time)
You can buy both Hijiki and aburaage (fried tofu) in Japanese super market @mitsuwa_marketplace
I got Hijiki and pork from Mituwa market place before.