

#作り置き #お弁当 #副菜 


Today’s pre-made menu is a side dish that you can easily make and get good nutrition.
Recommended when you don’t have enough lunch or side dishes! If you make a make-up on the weekend, it will be much easier to make lunch and dinner ♪

しめじ  1袋
えのき  1袋
舞茸   1袋
◎みりん      大さじ2
◎鶏ガラ      小さじ1
◎にんにくチューブ 小さじ1ほど
◎オリーブオイル  適量
★醤油  大さじ1
★酢   大さじ1
★白ごま 適量

ジャガイモ   2個
◎マヨネーズ  大さじ1
◎マスタード  小さじ1
◎塩コショウ  少々
◎粉チーズ   お好み
◎砂糖     小さじ2
◎乾燥パセリ  適量

ナス      3本
ねぎ      1本の半分
◎合わせ味噌  大さじ1の半分
◎ポン酢    大さじ4
◎生姜チューブ 小さじ1
◎砂糖     小さじ2
◎唐辛子    1個
◎白ごま    適量

[Marinated 3 types of mushrooms]
Shimeji mushroom 1 bag
Enoki 1 bag
Maitake mushroom 1 bag
(For seasoning)
◎ Mirin 2 tbsp
◎ 1 teaspoon chicken gala
◎ About 1 teaspoon of garlic tube
◎ Olive oil, appropriate amount
(For finishing)
★ 1 tablespoon of soy sauce
★ Vinegar 1 tablespoon
★ Appropriate amount of white sesame

[Potato with mustard mayonnaise]
2 potatoes
◎ 1 tablespoon mayonnaise
◎ Mustard 1 teaspoon
◎ Salt and pepper a little
◎ Grated cheese to your liking
◎ Sugar 2 teaspoons
◎ Appropriate amount of dried parsley

[Spicy ponzu eggplant boiled]
Eggplant 3 bottles
Green onion, half of one
◎ Combined miso, half a tablespoon
◎ Ponzu 4 tablespoons
◎ 1 teaspoon ginger tube
◎ Sugar 2 teaspoons
◎ 1 chili pepper
◎ White sesame, appropriate amount



This channel is a channel that updates cooking videos, aerial photography of drones, etc.
I would like to make various changes in my home and update my daily life.
We are aiming for 1000 subscribers this year!
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