I made these croquettes without deep frying.
This time I made them with potatoes, bacon, and fried onions, so they didn’t lose a little of their potatoiness, so if I get the chance to make them again, I’ll make them with ground beef!
Thank you again for listening to the Cookbank today.
This is a routine video of making Japanese home-cooked bento for husband and children.
I want people around the world to see Japanese home-cooked bento.
If you could support me with comments, high ratings, and channel subscriptions, I would be very happy.
The English may not accurate because of the use of translation tools.
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이번에는 감자, 베이컨, 볶은 양파로 만들어서 감자의 맛을 조금이나마 잃지 않았으니, 다시 만들 기회가 생긴다면 다진 쇠고기로 만들 거야!
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効果音:ポケットサウンド – @ポケットサウンド