
”Beef bowl”(牛丼) -How to cook Japanese dishes 日本料理のレシピ

Beef bowl is a Japanese dish consisting of thinly sliced beef, onions stewed in a sweet and salty soy sauce broth and served over rice in a bowl.
The mixture of the ingredients and rice makes the dish even more delicious.
It is also delicious with a raw egg on top, red ginger, or green onions.
This dish is especially popular among young people who are in the prime of their eating years. It is easy to make, so please give it a try!

牛丼は薄く切った牛肉とタマネギなどを醤油などで甘辛く煮込み丼に盛った飯の上にのせた日本料理です 。具材とご飯を混ぜることでより美味しく食べることができます。

