胃袋わしづかみ?!ガッツリうまい「ソース焼き鳥丼」#shorts #food #recipe #簡単料理 #簡単レシピ #料理 #レシピ

「仕事帰りでも作れる!家族が喜ぶ すぐできごはん」発売中です🎉

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[Ingredients] *Serves 2
■Rice…2 bowls
■Chicken thigh…1 piece (450g)
■Salt and pepper…a little
■Oil…2 teaspoons
■Green laver…as needed
■Pickled ginger…as needed
■Mayonnaise…as needed
(A) Sake…1 tablespoon
(A) Sugar…1 tablespoon
(A) Worcestershire sauce…2 teaspoons
(A) Soy sauce…2 teaspoons
(A) Garlic tube…1/2 teaspoon


① Thinly slice the onion, and if there is room, remove excess fat and tendons from the chicken thighs, and cut them into bite-sized pieces.

You can use chicken skin as you like.

② Heat oil over medium heat, add the onion and chicken, and sprinkle with salt and pepper. Fry until the chicken is cooked through.

③ Add (A) and bring to a boil to evaporate the water. Once the liquid has reduced and the sauce has thickened, place it on top of the rice and top with mayonnaise, green laver, and pickled ginger.