
100均DIY! 樹脂粘土・UVレジン ミニチュアフード作り方 フェイクスイーツ/フード 果実たっぷりの4種のジャム瓶 DIY Miniature 4 types of jam jars

★100均セリア(Seria)で購入した材料を主に使用して、ミニチュア ジャム瓶(4種類:イチゴジャム・マーマレード・キウイジャム・リンゴジャム)を作りました。
この動画では着色したUVレジンによってジャムの液体部分を表現しましたが、代わりにタミヤ デコレーションシリーズのトッピングの達人(デコレーションソース・デコソース)のつぶつぶイチゴソース、オレンジソース、つぶつぶキウイソース、はちみつソース(又はキャラメルソース・クリヤーソース)で代用しても手間が省けて良いかもしれません。その場合もレジンと同様、少量ずつ硬化させていく方が良いと思います。

I made miniature jam jars (4 types: strawberry jam, marmalade, kiwi jam, and apple jam), using mainly the ingredients purchased at 1$shop “Seria”.
We also use some of the ingredients we have, but we have confirmed that similar items are sold at Seria, so if you can prepare all the ingredients for making this jam jar with Seria. think.
I made the fruit part with resin clay, but by adding a lot of this fruit I can reduce the amount of UV resin used to express the liquid part, and a jam that seems to be delicious with plenty of fruit As it is completed, it is two birds with one stone if a lot of fruits are made (*˘︶˘*). .:*♡ (Because the resin is a little expensive…(´·ω·`))
In this video, we used colored UV resin to represent the liquid part of the jam, but instead of the masters of the Tamiya Decoration Series toppings (decoration sauce, deco sauce), mashed strawberry sauce, orange sauce, mashed kiwi sauce, honey sauce (or caramel) You may be able to save time and effort by substituting with (source/clear source). In that case, it is better to cure the resin little by little as with the resin.
I used a top coat for nails to make the jam jar more transparent at the time of finishing, but I think that Tamiya’s gloss varnish can also be used instead.
I have no interest in sweet things, so I was able to enjoy making works again this time (o^∀^o)

 If you would like to see each part, please click here.
【タイムテーブル/Time Table】
  00:08 ショッピングリスト/Shopping list
  00:20 ジャム瓶/jam jar
+フルーツジャム/ Fruit jam
  01:38 イチゴジャム/Strawberry jam
  02:36 マーマレード/Marmalade
  03:23 キウイジャム/Kiwi jam
  04:17 リンゴジャム/apple jam
  04:58 蓋/Lid
  06:53 ラベルシール/Label sticker
  07:08 完成/Completed

【主な使用材料 / Main materials used】

・ミニガラスボトル/Mini glass bottles

・型取り剤(イロプラ)/Molding agent (IROPRA)

・樹脂粘土/Resin clay

・UVレジン/UV resin

・水彩絵の具/Watercolor paint

・アクリル絵の具(金色・黒のみ)/Acrylic paint (gold/black only)

・ネイル用トップコート/Top coat for nails

・プラ板/Plastic board

・ラベルシール/Label sticker

 If you think that it was “helpful” or “fun” even if you accept it, please subscribe to the channel. It is a great encouragement for making miniatures.


 Please also follow each SNS. (I’ll let you know the latest status of your creative activities with photos.)

Tik Tok:https://vt.tiktok.com/2tFhDe/

ゆったりとした気分でお楽しみ頂けましたら、とても嬉しいです꒰* ॢꈍ◡ꈍ ॢ꒱ .*˚‧♡
I would be very happy if you could enjoy watching it in a relaxed mood.


 If you like, please watch this video

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