
【お花見弁当】【行楽弁当レシピ】🌸 アヤメ(花菖蒲) の花のお弁当!【鶏むねのチリマヨレシピ】 How To Make Sushi Bento for Ayame (Japanese Irises)


The rice cultivation culture of Japan is strongly tied to the rainy season.
As Irises bloom in rainy season, the flowering of wild Ayame(irises) has been an indicator of the rice cultivation.
In the Edo period, many varieties were improved from wild irises. 旗本松平定朝( Hatamoto Matsudaira Sadatomo), a Shogunal retainer, made 300 new varieties of irises.
Ayame festival is held in many districts(e.g.,Itako City) in June.
In this video, we are making a Chirashi sushi bento with the decoration of Japanese iris flowers.
We are making chicken breast with chili-mayo sauce, potato-Kinpira and Tamagoyaki with 青のり(sea weed).


鶏むね肉 300~350g
★片栗粉 大さじ1杯
ブロッコリー 適量
★炒め油 少々
★豆板醬 小さじ1杯
 マヨネーズ 大さじ2~3杯
 ケチャップ 大さじ1杯
 薄口しょうゆ 大さじ1/2杯

人参 1/3~1/2本
いんげん 70~100g
ジャガイモ 少1個(100~150g)
★砂糖 小さじ1杯
★みりん・しょう油・酒 大さじ2杯
ごま油(炒め用) 大さじ1杯
いり白ごま 大さじ1杯
七味唐辛子 少々

卵 2個
★水 大さじ1杯
★薄口しょうゆ 小さじ1/2杯
★マヨネーズ 小さじ1杯
青のり 少々

★米酢 60ml
★砂糖 大さじ2杯
★塩 小さじ1/2~2/3杯

油揚げ 1枚
人参 1/3本
★出汁 100ml
★砂糖・薄口醬油 各小さじ1杯

Relating Videos;
城北菖蒲園の花菖蒲 2018 大阪 [4K]

