
本当に美味しい韓国式ビビン冷麺の作り方!真夏に定番メニュー!!!| How to Make Bibin Cold Noodles

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【Ingredient / For Two Persons】
Apple 1/2 (りんご)
Onion 1/2 (玉ねぎ)
Garlic 3 (ニンニク)
Chili powder 3tbsp (唐辛子)
Soy sauce 15cc (醤油)
Gochujang 2tbsp (コチュジャン)
Vinegar 30cc (お酢)
Sesame oil 15cc (胡麻油)
Sugar 2tsp (砂糖)
Lemon juice 40cc (レモンジュース)
Sesane 2tsp (ゴマ)
Cucumber 1/2 (きゅうり)
Noodles 320g (冷麺)
Kimchi 10g (キムチ)
Egg 1/2 (玉子)
A little sesame (ゴマ)

▶【BGM From】
①Yasper – In My Cabin https://chll.to/990c9489
②Fujitsu, Ajmw – Fields https://chll.to/8b523db6


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