#8 夜勤明けに作る親子丼定食【旦那さんから愛さレシピ】【夫婦ふたり暮らし】

ようこそSamurai teishokuへ。


Hello everyone!
Welcome to samurai teishoku channel.
I’m a nurse&Registered dietitian in Japan.
I make japanese set meal called “teishoku”.
It is thought to be an ideal meal of perfect nutrition♪
If you like it, please click like and subscribe.

とりもも肉 250g
水 100ml
めんつゆ(3倍濃縮) 50ml
砂糖 大さじ1
卵 3個
ご飯 480g(丼2杯分)
トマト 100g
枝豆 30g
塩昆布 5g
ごま油 5g
水 2カップ
だしパック 1個
切干大根 5g
じゃがいも 50g
にんじん 20g
みそ 小さじ2

250g chicken thighs/breasts
1/2 onion
water 100ml
50 ml noodle soup(mentuyu)
1Tbsp sugar
3 eggs
480g cooked rice

◆tomato&green soybeans with salted kelp
100g tomato
30g green soybeans
5g salted kelp
5g sesame oil
◆miso soup
2cup water
1 dashi pack
5g dried strips
50g potato
20g carrot
2tsp miso paste


■一人当たりのカロリー:約 1013kcal,塩分相当量: 4.4g


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