

00:00 絶品もやしナムル
01:32 さつまいものレモン煮
03:05 ひじきの煮物
05:13 ほうれん草のごま和え
06:36 電子レンジポテトサラダ


・もやし      1袋
・すりごま     大さじ1
・創味シャンタン 小さじ1/2
・醤油       大さじ1/2
・ごま油     大さじ1と1/2
・塩        ひとつまみ




・さつまいも 1個
・砂糖     大さじ3
・レモン汁   大さじ2



・乾燥ひじき 15g
・にんじん  1/3本
・あげ     1枚
・油     小さじ1
●水     150ml
●顆粒だし  小さじ1
●醤油     大さじ1と1/2
●酒     大さじ1と1/2
●みりん   大さじ1と1/2
●砂糖    大さじ1と1/2

1.乾燥ひじきを大きめのボウルに入れて水を加え、 長ひじきなら20分〜30分、芽ひじきなら5分〜10分置いて戻す。にんじん、あげは細切りに。


・ほうれん草 1束
・ポン酢   大さじ1
・すりごま  大さじ1




・じゃがいも 2個
・卵     1個
・きゅうり  1/2個
・塩     適量
・酢     小さじ1
・砂糖    小さじ1
●マヨネーズ 大さじ2-3
●塩コショウ 少々







#作り置き #副菜 #Botanダイニング

~ One item ~
《Exquisite bean sprout namul》
Refrigerated storage period: 3 days

・ Bean sprout 1 bag
・ Sesame seeds 1 tbsp
・ Somi Shantung 1/2 teaspoon
・ Salty sauce 1/2 tablespoon
・ Sesame oil 1 and 1/2 tablespoon
・ Salt, a pinch

[Material: for 3 people]
・ One sweet potato
・ Sugar 3 tbsp
・ Lemon juice 2 tablespoons

[How to make]
1. Sweet potatoes are sliced ​​into 1 cm wide slices. If it is thick, cut it into half moons.
2. Put ①, water and A in a pan, cover and simmer on low medium heat until the sweet potatoes are cooked.

~ Three items ~
“simmered hijiki”
Refrigerated storage period: 3-4 days

[Material: for 4 people]
・ Dried hijiki seaweed 15g
・ 1/3 carrot
・ Raise 1 sheet
・ Oil 1 teaspoon
● Water 150 ml
● Granule soup stock 1 teaspoon
● Salty sauce 1 and 1/2 tablespoon
● Sake 1 and 1/2 tablespoon
● Mirin 1 and 1/2 tablespoon
● Sugar 1 and 1/2 tablespoon

[How to make]
1. Put the dried hijiki in a large bowl, add water, and leave it for 20 to 30 minutes for long hijiki and 5 to 10 minutes for sprout hijiki. Cut carrots and raises into small pieces.
2. Add oil to a heated frying pan, fry the carrots, add the hijiki seaweed and fry further.
3. Add ●, mix well, cover with otoshi buta, and simmer over low heat until the broth is exhausted. Completion of a standard side dish for home cooking.

~ Four items ~
《Spinach with sesame seeds》
Refrigerated storage period: 2-3 days

[Material: For 3-4 people]
・ Spinach 1 bunch
・ Ponzu 1 tbsp
・ Sesame seeds 1 tbsp

[How to make]
1. Turn half of the well-washed spinach upside down and wrap it in a wrap.
2. Place in the center of the table plate and heat at 600W for 3 minutes. When the heat is removed, drain the water and cut into 5 cm width.
3. Put ②, ponzu and sesame seeds in a bowl and mix.

~ Five items ~
《Microwave potato salad》
Refrigerated storage period: 3 days

[Material: for 2-3 people]
・ 2 potatoes
・ One egg
・ 1/2 cucumber
・ Salt: Appropriate amount
・ Vinegar 1 teaspoon
・ Sugar 1 teaspoon
● 2-3 tablespoons of mayonnaise
● A little salt and pepper

[How to make]
1. Wrap the egg in aluminum foil without any gaps, put it in a thin heat-resistant cup, and add enough water to cover it. Wrap softly with a gap.
2. Place ① in the center of the table plate and heat it in a simple microwave oven at 500W for 5 minutes. After heating, leave it as it is. Please leave it for 5 minutes or more.
3. Wrap the washed potatoes in plastic wrap with the skin on, place it in the center of the table plate, and heat it in a simple microwave oven at 600W for 5 minutes. Peel it like wrapping it in kitchen paper.
4. Cut the cucumber into thin slices and knead the salt.
5. Put ③ in a bowl, crush it, and season with vinegar and sugar. Add the drained ④, chopped ②, and ● and mix to complete the potato salad.
