
【簡単副菜2品】和食の副菜 lあと1品欲しいときのアイデア料理 l40代主婦の日常 l丁寧な暮らし l暮らしVlog l2 easy side dishes


先日動画公開した”魚焼きグリルを活用した平日の晩御飯” から…ご紹介を保留にしていた2品のお料理をレシピ付きでご紹介致します☺


 小松菜          100g
 厚揚げ          1/2個
 塩            ひとつまみ
  ピーナッツバター(無糖) 大さじ3
  ナンプラー       大さじ1
  レモン汁        大さじ1
 真鱈           4切
 あさり          1パック(250~300g)
 しめじ          1/2パック
 九条ネギ(青ネギ)     3~4本
 生姜           1かけ
 酒            大さじ5
 昆布           真鱈サイズに合わせて1枚
 薄口醤油         少々
 塩            少々
 胡椒           少々


Hello 🌿
Thank you for watching this video.

I have a new video “Weekday dinner using fish grill” that I have just released… I would like to introduce two dishes with recipes that I had put on hold ☺.
Easy side dishes that can be simply dressed or steamed!
This dish is perfect for when you need one more dish.
Please try to make it ✨.

🍳meal prep

■Komatsuna and deep-fried tofu with peanuts
 100 g komatsuna
 1/2 piece of deep-fried tofu
 A pinch of salt
  3 tablespoons peanut butter (unsweetened)
  1 tablespoon fish sauce
  1 tablespoon lemon juice

■Steamed Cod and Asari clam with sake
 4 slices cod
 1 package (250-300g) asari clams
 1/2 package shimeji mushrooms
 3 or 4 green onions
 1 ginger
 5 tablespoons sake
 1 piece of kombu (kelp) according to the size of cod
 A pinch of light soy sauce
 A pinch of salt
 A pinch of pepper

