
【ホットサンドメーカー】誰でも簡単レシピ!! 塩焼きそば 麺も豚バラもカリっともっちり絶品触感!! Japan Shiga camp food camp Japanese food

※English subtitles are available by clicking on the subtitles in the video.
※For English translations, please scroll down to the bottom of the description column.





~English Translation Explanation~
No need to season! Anyone can easily make it in a hot sandwich maker and yakisoba!!!

Experience the addictive texture of the crispy and chewy noodles and pork belly.

You can also make this dish at home.
Try it at home before you go camping.

Please make it once, and then season it to your liking and enjoy it even more!

#Japan #Shiga #camp #Camping #food #Japanese food #wasabi #cherry tree #smoked steak #smoking #Japanese Trio #Omi beef #ホットサンドメーカー #キャンプ #キャンピング #塩焼きそば #焼きそば #簡単料理 #お手軽レシピ #food #フード #簡単レシピ #琵琶湖