

業務スーパーの冷凍野菜は活用していますか( ^ω^)・・・




00:00 オープニング
00:10 カット小松菜
01:14 さば味付け缶詰
01:53{ 小松菜とさば缶の炒め物}
03:23 {ちくわと卵でかさ増し朝ごはん}
03:54 芽キャベツ
04:53 {芽キャベツとえびのガーリックバターソテー}
05:56 お手軽便利!ポテトミックス
06:48 {ミネストローネ}
08:23 {コンソメスープ}
09:13 エンディング 
Hello, this is Hedera House 💕 Do you use frozen vegetables from the business supermarket? (^ω^)… It’s cheap and convenient, so it’s great when you want to save money 😊 This time, I’m going to use 3 frozen vegetables and canned mackerel with flavor. We will introduce 5 easy and economical recipes that you can use (^///^)

Please note that prices may vary slightly depending on the region and store.Please note that the prices do not include consumption tax.

Your high ratings and comments are very encouraging 💕🥰 If you have any recommended products, please let us know in the comments section, we would be happy 💕

It comes with chapters, so you can move on to the products you’re interested in (^///^)   
00:00 Opening
00:10 Cut Komatsuna
01:14 Seasoned canned mackerel
01:53 {Stir-fried komatsuna and canned mackerel}
03:23 {Bulky breakfast with chikuwa and eggs}
03:54 Brussels sprouts
04:53 {Brussels sprouts and shrimp sautéed in garlic butter}
05:56 Easy and convenient! potato mix
06:48 {Minestrone}
08:23 {Consommé soup}
09:13 Ending 