
【料理人が教える ゴロっと野菜の牛すじ煮込み】低カロリーでコラーゲンたっぷり!!下処理の仕方も丁寧に紹介します!

煮る時間 煮る方法 火加減でも旨さが変わる!
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【A chef teaches how to process beef tendon and the exquisite beef tendon stew】
A plump, simmering, collagen-rich stew of beef tendon simmered with large vegetables! !
How long to cook and how to simmer Even the heat level changes the flavor! Learn how to prepare and select the best beef strips!
★Check out the summary section for more details on how to make it and what to look out for!☟
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牛すじ     600g
大根      300g
こんにゃく     半分
ごぼう      70g
にんにく      3粒※少し大き目
しょうが     30g
ネギの青い部分   1本分
水      1000cc
酒       100cc
砂糖     大さじ1半※約17g
みりん    大さじ4杯※約90cc
みそ     小さじ1※約7g
にぼし粉   小さじ1※約4g
しらがネギ     適
【ingredients】5-6 servings
600g Beef tendon
300g Japanese radish
half Konnyaku
70g Burdock
3 garlic cloves *Slightly larger
30g Ginger
1 piece Green part of green onion
1000cc Water
100cc Sake
1 1/2 tablespoons sugar *approx. 17g
4 tablespoons mirin
1 teaspoon soybean paste *approx. 7g
1 teaspoon (about 4g) of niboshi powder
White onion, to taste
① 下茹で処理の為、牛すじを鍋に入れ、タップリな水を注ぎ沸かしてアクを出します。
② 流水で、牛すじの表面についたアクを洗い流します。
③ 鍋に入れて、もう一度下茹でをしアク抜きを行います。
④ 再度 牛すじの表面についたアクを洗い流します。
⑤ 鍋にもどして、水を酒 野菜を入れ 水を注ぎ沸かします。
⑥ 沸いたら20分間 中強火で 牛すじを柔らかくなるように煮ます。
⑦ 調味料を入れて、極弱火で1時間煮ます。
⑧ 火を止めて、冷ます工程で具材に味をしみ込ませます。
⑨ 再度火を付けて、強火で煮汁が半分になるまで煮込みます。
【How to make…】
① Place the beef tendon in a pot and pour in plenty of water to boil to remove the scum.
② With water, rinse off any scum from the surface of the beef tendon.
③ Put them in a pot and boil them again to remove the scum.
④ Rinse off the scum from the surface of the beef tendon again.
⑤ Reconstitute the pot and add water and vegetables. Pour the water and bring to a boil.
⑥ Bring to a boil and simmer over medium-high heat for 20 minutes to tenderize the beef tendon.
⑦ Add seasonings and simmer over very low heat for 1 hour.
⑧ Turn off the heat and allow the ingredients to soak in the flavor during the cooling process.
⑨ Re-light the fire and cook over high heat until the liquid is reduced by half.
① 白くて薄い牛すじを選ぶと、とても早く調理が出来 食べやすい煮込みが出来ます。
② 下茹でをする時は、長くは煮ません。長く煮ると、アクの匂いがスジに付きます。
③ 牛すじを煮る時は、フタをして具材に圧が掛かるように煮ます。
④ 火加減は動画と同じように、変えながら煮込みます。
⑤ 煮汁を半分まで煮詰める事で、シッカリとした味わいになります。
【Makeup points】
① Select thin, white beef tendon for quick cooking and easy-to-eat stewing.
② When boiling, do not boil for a long time. If you boil them too long, the smell of scum will stick to the threads.
③ When simmering the beef, cover the lid and cook the beef so that pressure is applied to the ingredients.
④ The heat level is the same as in the video, changing it as it simmers.
⑤ The broth is boiled down to half its original volume for a sizzling flavor.

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I supervise the development of grand menus and new dishes for famous restaurants in Tokyo, and
I work as a chef and creator, including concept plans for new restaurants.
I have experience working overseas and continue to research cuisine from a global perspective.
On my days off, I cook and serve my family!



★悩み解決 プロの料理人が教える【天ぷらの揚げ方】家で作る天ぷらの揚げ方 分かりやすく説明します!

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